Trademark Protection Services
Our Trademark, Copyrights and Patents Protection services will help you safeguard your intellectual property rights and protect your brand from counterfeiting and infringement.
A trademark is a sign (commonly known as a logo) capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises.
If you’re launching a new business, product, or service you have the rights to register your Trademark and protect it.
Our Trademark Protection Services can assist you with:
- Assistant E- filing
- Section 8. & 15. Declarations
- Statements of use
- Extensions of time
- Renewals
- Searches
- Provide general trademark advice
All trademark service and legal advice rendered to clients are provided by attorneys in our network. Our experienced Trademark advisors are eager to assist you.
Apply now to protect your business name, logo, or slogan with our Trademark Protection Service.
Our Clients: